
jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013


The Universe is so big that we could imagine. The matter of the Universe is concentrated in only a small part of it.

The visible universe's size: 
 -The universe's limits, from the earth, are at 46.500 ligth-year millions to all directions.
 -After the Big Bang, the universe fastly expand and a half of his light didn't arrive to us and, thats why we can see it.

 The matter in the universe forms:
 -Minor structures (stars and system).
 -Galaxies are medium size structures formed by gas, dust and dark matter.
 -A common form is the elliptical galaxy
 -Spiral Galaxies are disk-shaped with dusty, curving arms, like the Milky Way.
-Irregular galaxies are irregular or unusual shapes.


Cumuls of galaxies: 
They are a set of galaxies wrapped up in warm gas. The galaxies turn one each other join by the gravity power. Sometimes they hit or absorb thereselves.

Supercumuls of galaxies: 
They are sets of galaxies, formed by big caps from all the universe. The local group are formed by the supercumul of Virgo.

Those are the last discovered structures and the oldest and biggest in the universe. The form big strips of supercumuls of galaxies.

The Big Atractor:
The supercumul of Virgo and the other structures of the universe reach to a mistery point called The Big Atractor.

 María Cascales Albaladejo

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

"Nuestro lugar en el Universo" REDES

Ahora, responde a las preguntas propuestas en clase:
1) ¿Qué son los quartzs y a qué se refiere el vídeo al hablar de radiaciones cósmicas de microondas?
2) ¿Qué son los exoplanetas? ¿Cómo se obtienen datos de ellos?
3) ¿Qué son los neutrinos? ¿ Con qué tipo de materia se relacionan?

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

Summary: Big Bang and the Universe

The Big Bang

It's a theory about the origin of the Universe

 - It started from a dense atom that exploded.
 - It increased 90 times its size, very fast.
 - Nowadays, It is still expanding, but at a slower rate.
 - At first, it was a dark place because atoms weren't formed.
 - Recombination: next, atoms were formed and  the Universe became transparent.
 - Finally, galaxies and stars were created.

The origin of the Solar System

 - It was born 9 billion years after The Big Bang.
 - Its age is about 4.6 billion years.
 - The Sun and the Solar System were formed from a cloud of gas called Solar Nebula
 - This nebula collapsed, it spun faster and flattened into a disk.
 - Most of the material was concentrated in the centre and the Sun was formed.
 - The rest formed planets, satellites, comets, etc...

Dark Matter

 - Mysterious and invisible mass formed by exotic particles that don't interact with light or regular matter.
 - It is inferred because of the gravitational pull.
 - It is the 23% of the Universe , with 4% being regular matter.

Dark Energy

  - Strange, pulling and expansive force that remains undetected and makes 73% of the Universe.

By Luis Andrés.