
domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

"Charles darwin and the tree of life"

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“Charles Darwin and the tree of life” questionnaire.

1.     Who is the film’s host? ……………………………………………….................
2.     How many different species of flowering plants exist? ………………………...
3.     Who was born 200 years ago? …………………………………………………..
4.     When (year) did Darwin board the survey sailing ship named Beagle? What was his age at the time? ………………………………………………………………….
5.     How long did the trip to Galapagos Islands last? ……………………………….
6.     In which University did Darwin study geology and botany? …………………...
7.     Who “invented” the term Dinosaur? …………………………………………....
8.     Who founded and directed the Natural History Museum of London? ………….
9.     Which animals did Darwin use to support his theory? ………………………….
11.  From which animals do domestic dogs descend? ………………………………
12.  Why can’t breeds be considered different species? …………………………….
13.  Where did Darwin conduct careful experiments with plants? ………………….
14.  Where did Darwin stop going in his latter part of his life? ……………………..
15.  How many pages had Darwin’s first book published? ………………………….
16.  How much money did Darwin ask his wife to invest in the publication of his book, if he died before doing so? ……………………………………………….
17.  Who sent Darwin an essay with the same ideas he had? ……………………….
18.  When did he send it? ……………………………………………………………
19.  Which society discussed to whom belonged the theory of evolution? …………
20.  When was Darwin’s book first published? ……………………………………..
21.  Why does the film’s host consider Darwin’s book very easy to read? ………….
22.  What animal was Darwin compared to in the cartoons of his time? ……………
23.  Is there a living bird that links birds and reptiles? What do they have – when young – that is astounding? ……………………………………………………..
26.  Which is the most primitive living mammal? …………………………………..
27.  What woman discovered radioactivity that is used to determine the age of rocks? …………………………………………………………………………...
28.  Why can’t frogs survive in sea water? ………………………………………….
29.  When did a German geologist propose that a super-continent had existed many million years ago? Do you know his name? …………………………………………….
30.  What scientist was living in the city of Brno and working with peas at the same time that Darwin was developing his theory? ………………………………………..
31.  When and where was the purpose of genes discovered? ……………………….
32.  What scientists discovered its purpose and structure? ………………………….
33.  Do genes from an animal work in another? Give an example. …………………
34.  Which animals are kangaroos related to? ……………………………………….
35.  From which animals did sea-cows evolve? ……………………………………..
36.  When did the dinosaurs become extinct? ……………………………………….
37.  Did a group of dinosaurs survive and in which group of living creatures have they evolved? ……………………………………………………………………
38.  When did the first mammal appear? ……………………………………………

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